Embodied Porn Watching
Millions of people worldwide use online porn to make sexual arousal quick, efficient and effortless. Porn can expand our ideas of what is erotically possible and help us get in touch with our own sexuality. Much of the time, however, porn so grabs our attention that we forget to enjoy our own body.
Embodied Porn Watching is about fully feeling and enjoying the pleasures of your own sensuous body. These easy-to-learn practices involve movement, breathing, touch and placement of your attention. Sometimes called Porn Yoga or Healthy Porn Watching, Embodied Porn Watching helps you pay attention to your body as you masturbate to porn.
These practices are not intended to replace or eliminate your tried and true methods of self-pleasuring. Instead, this course suggests new and different ways of pleasuring yourself and guides you in making optimal use of the sexual arousal you generate from watching porn. Furthermore, watching porn with these Orgasmic Yoga practices can be a place of sexual learning that can benefit your sex life, your relationships and your overall wellness. Although this class is intended for people who enjoy watching porn, the practices we recommend can enhance solo sex either with or without porn.
Core Practices
Embodied Porn Watching is a practice-based approach to masturbating where we place part of our attention on the porn and part on the sustained sexual arousal in our bodies. The immediate result is increased feelings of pleasure. Over time, these erotic practices support us in integrating sexual arousal into our bodies and our lives. The two simple practices in this class can help you to break old habits and learn new ways of being playful and creative. Enroll Now.
Claiming Pleasure
For some individuals, sexual arousal is a motionless event, accompanied by muscle tension and rigidity. Embodied Porn Watching practices that include breathing, shaking, moaning and self-touch are pleasurable as well as supportive of partnered sex. The practices in this video class will help integrate sexual arousal into all parts of your body and life. Enroll Now.
Playing with Attention: Full Sessions
In the two classes above, you've been introduced to nine embodied porn watching practices that generate pleasure, joy and well-being in your body. The benefits from these embodiment practices will continue to grow and reveal themselves the more you practice.
You may find that filming your own practice sessions can be entertaining, enlightening and incredibly educational. All of the participants in these videos found that watching themselves practice was revelatory. They knew the feeling of arousal in their body, but now they could see what that arousal looked like. If there was something they saw in their session that they wanted to change, they could make those changes in future sessions. In this way, play sessions were also times of great learning.
Hands Free Arousal With Porn
Hands-free porn watching involves moving and thrusting into an anchored Fleshlight or vibrator. The hands, liberated from genital stimulation, can now touch and play with all parts of the body. This helps to interrupt muscle tension in the arms and upper torso, enabling feelings of freedom, openness and ease of breathing. Hands-free arousal is a whole new way of experiencing sex. Enroll Now.
Hands-Free Master Sessions
What might Embodied Porn Watching look like after six sessions? After eleven sessions? Enjoy and marvel at these two Embodied Porn Watching sessions. Robin also filmed an introductory video and both Robin and Jack filmed reflection videos after finishing their practice sessions. These two had a lot of fun masturbating hands-free. Enroll Now.