Loren Johnson invites you to practice along with him during this two-hour Tantric Yoga class in Palm Springs. The practices you will learn promote erotic self regulation, sexual freedom and vibrant health.
Loren teaches us how to optimize and integrate sexual energy into our bodies and lives. The practices include fundamental, yet innovative, yoga and chi kung breathing exercises, the inner smile, the horse stance, immunity chi kung, full body shaking, and spinal cord breathing.
Tantric and sexual Kung Fu techniques include sexual reflexology (to increase the size and functionality of the sexual organ as well as glandular function of the gonads), deer exercise (sexual energy optimization with heart-centered awareness), root lock (perineum power), belly lock (digestive power), the power lock (sexual transformative power) and the microcosmic orbit (internal chi circulation to help achieve full body orgasmic states and the optimal health of body and brain that comes with it).
Loren Johnson is certified by Mantak Chia as a Senior Universal Tao Yoga Instructor. He also is a licensed acupuncturist. You can find his teachings on YouTube at RawTantraLJ and 2Wellness. Loren offers more than ten additional classes in Taoist and Tantric erotic practices at his Raw Tantra website. All of these erotic yoga classes are between one and two hours in length. He almost always teaches naked. You may also benefit from his other OrgasmicYoga class: Sexual Kung Fu.