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The EcoSexual Communal Exchange



Submit your EcoSexual films and stories!

On June 20th, I will gift the creators of the videos or stories I post in the EcoSexual Library with a three-year membership to both OrgasmicYoga.com and EroticMassage.com (a $400 value)! Video creators, please email me and I will send you my Dropbox URL for uploading your videos. All submissions will be credited with your name and website (if you wish).


EcoSexual Stimulation

I offer you three short films and two stories for your delight. May they inspire your creativity as you play with the earth.  

How this minute of earth-loving from Marina Abramovic has remained on YouTube for years is a mystery to me. The soundtrack has been added by the poster.

D.H.Lawrence’s Women in Love is an amazing story that asks, “What is love?” Ken Russell’s film of the book doesn’t disappoint. In this scene, Birkin stumbles outside in an altered state after having a large stone smashed against his head. 

Joseph Kramer and Carol Leigh’s EcoTryst is part of the Earth as Your Lover Oneminutes exhibition that is being shown in museums around the world. Joe Miron finds a spot in the Berkeley hills to consummate his ecolove.


I recently invited a friend to share with us an ecosexual story. They sent me two:

Penetration Breath

by Max

I was teaching somatic sex education at the time. One day, while cycling through the back streets of London, I was thinking about a client who was exploring his desire for men. Our work together had supported him to find peace with his desires. But it was very tender for him still and so, I was feeling into the planning for our next session as I cycled along.

I found myself imagining the air as lover. I thought, “What if we just notice the breath? As much as possible, not bringing to bear any influence. To just notice, with the air as lover, lovingly penetrating through an open mouth?” The concept was to feel that penetration as a receiver, and as an allower, and then to take pleasure from it. To notice the sensation of the ingress of air against the roof of the mouth, and down an open throat, to feel that drawing the air in was to actively draw in the lover, and to actively take the pleasure of it.

It seemed it would be helpful to offer this to the client as a way to explore the desirable concept of being penetrated, and to be able to do it in his own time, and at his own comfort levels. Taking this concept and practice to session, it indeed turned out to be for him a useful portal for arousal and exploration.

And it was also the origin for me of a beautiful and erotic breath that included an element of nature as lover and co-creator. 


Coming with the Rain

by Max

I was away for a weekend in Woking, England, with the non-binary self-pleasure group of which I was part. We’d had a wonderful day of self-pleasure, shared food and a walk in the woods. The house where we were staying had a huge secluded garden and the late Spring sun was shining down on us. We agreed it would be lovely to self-pleasure around a big fire pit in the late afternoon before we contemplated dinner. After quiet talk and watching the flames, we settled into our own nests in the long grass and self-pleasured while feeling the fire crackling and warming our toes. Afterwards, some of us dreamily tended the fire and others drifted to the outdoor hot tub. I opted for the tub.

Sitting serenely in the tub, I noticed it had started to rain. It got heavier. And heavier. A member of the group sharing the tub reminded me about one of the remaining items on my ‘bucket list’ to do before I die – to stand naked in the rain and let it pelt me, pelt me. It was a beautiful moment of remembering that urge, and it was also encouragement to seize the moment. I leapt out of the hot tub and stood in the middle of the lawn, feeling the wet blades of grass under the soles of my feet, and feeling the heaving rain percussing my skin and bouncing off. I raised my hands to the sky, lifted my head, opened my mouth and welcomed it all. The rain pummelled my shoulders, hit my torso. It spattered my eyelids and lashes, and landed in my mouth, raindrops falling from my lips.

I could feel arousal flowing in my body as I breathed and swayed and rejoiced. I barely whispered to my friend, “I could orgasm if I keep breathing and letting this in.” “Then, why don’t you?” they said, quietly inviting me to embrace it. I let go of any remaining inhibition and breathed in everything – air and rain and the distant crackle of thunder. I breathed in the temperature drop and thrilled at the swish of the blades of grass beneath my feet. An undulating began in my genitals that connected to a tightening in my belly, that pulled up to my chest and burst forth a sigh as wave after wave of pleasure spasm rocketed through my body in concert with the unrelenting rain. I began to become aware of my friend as the spasms slowed, and there was nothing to do together but laugh and laugh and laugh at the wonder, and at the great cosmic joke of it. It’s all One – of course it is!

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