This class invites women and men to give and receive breast massage as a mindfulness practice. Mindfulness practice, according to Daniel Siegel, involves being aware of your placement of attention as well as your intention.
From a woman who recently did a month of self-breast massage:
“I learned something of great value this year–that numbed out parts of my body could become sensitive again with regular touching. Now, when I masturbate, I stimulate my vestibular bulbs and perineal sponge even more than my favorite (for 30 years) clitoral places. My breasts have never offered me much in the way of pleasure. So I committed to a month of playing with my breasts. I got some great touch guidance from your Breasts, Breasts, Breasts class. My breasts have come alive.”
The breasts have a high concentration of nerve endings, especially in the nipples. The underside of the nipple has the densest concentration of nerve endings in the entire breast.